Department of Applied Mechanics and Aerospace Engineering,
School of Fundamental Science and Engineering,
Waseda University

Faculty & Laboratory


Atsushi Hosoi

Material Design & Processing

  • Research Fields

    Fracture Mechanics Mechanics of Materials

  • Office

    #406B, Building 63

Original site

Research Content

We are carrying out innovative research on the multiscale strength and fracture properties of structural and functional materials with the aim to establish long-term reliability and durability. We combine experimental research, evaluating nanoscale properties with atomic force and transmitting electron microscopy, and in-situ observation of fracture with a high-speed camera, and theoretical analysis using finite element methods and molecular dynamics. We work within an interdisciplinary framework to develop and evaluate new materials.

  1.  Development of dissimilar joining technology for CFRPs and metals
  2. Development of a healing technique of fatigue crack in metallic materials
  3. Evaluation of the long-term reliability of CFRPs
  4. Development of functional nano materials and understanding their mechanical properties

A Brief Comment

I think research activities are the first step toward realizing an ideal world. I would like to move forward step by step with a big dream.